Kaz'rogalThis fight is an all out dps race, before you run out of mana. If you are out of mana and are still in the raid you are retarded. Let me repeat that one more time. If you are out of mana and still in the raid you are retarded. One more time? Ok. If you are out of mana and still in the raid you are retarded.
For Healers, this is probably one of the least challenging fights for you. Ever. Only one person should be taking any damage in this fight unless some person with severe retardation is blowing up your raid. If they are please feel free to kick them in the balls. So yeah, for the most part the MT(main tank) is the one taking the majority of the damage. And he does get hit pretty hard.
For the MT, you start off in the orange circle. Get a Misdirect then drag the boss thru the tauren warriors make sure all NPC's are to the bosses back. This will also be a good thing to follow on almost every other boss. Drag Kaz to Thrall then swing him so Thrall is wtfpwning him from behind. After that, just tps like a mofo.

This boss has 1 main ability and its not a fun one. It is called
Mark of Kaz'rogal, I know its truly one of those original names. What this debuff does is it drains 600mana from every player every second for 5 seconds. So 600x5 = 3000 mana. This is resistable if you are fortunate enough to have some shadow resistance. But either way... if you are below 3.5k mana you need to get the hell out of the raid and run where the purple arrows are pointing. We recommend potting asap.
After that its just a race to his death, the ideal time to kill him is around 3mins and 30 seconds. Most people would be oom by then. If you get him around 10% do not release. Chances are the NPC's will finish him off.
Group Make up:
2 Prot Warriors - We bring 3.5 tanks. One with fury gear.
1 Pally Tank - Trash whore. Hopefully has some healing gear so they aren't retardedly useless.
1-2 Rogues - Melee is great because they dont have stupid mana pools.
1 Feral Druid - Great for offtank for trash good for kitty dps, great raid buff.
5-6 Mages
2-3 Locks - Lifetap mmk?
1-3 Hunters - Great for misdirects on boss so tank only has to kite a little bit of the way, and gargoyle kiting.
1-2 Holy Priests
3-4 Resto Shamans
1-2 Resto Druid - Why not.
1 Oomkin Druid - Ok.
1 Elemental Shaman - Ok.