Rage WinterchillThis is one of those fights where having a PVP background comes in handy. It is highly recommended to have the 2minute medallion from pvp equipped. You can do it without it. But you have to have some great healers. And some non retarded dps.
What we do is have the MT pick up rage and drag him in the path of the red arrows. Picking up all the NPCs possible.
SPREAD OUT SPREAD OUT SPREAD OUT. The reason for this is the boss has an ability called
Death and Decay. You might remember this ability from Botanica when your group magically died from this red aura of retardation yall were standing in. Lol sorry. But, yeah. This is hard to see if your graphics are not turned up a slight bit. So.. IF you are taking tons of damage just run. If you are a retarded prot pally try bubbling. *cough*

Other than that the boss does Frost Nova's randomly on people. This doesn't normally go on during the Death and Decay. But can be very tempting to use your PVP trinket during so don't fall for Rage's evil trickery.
The biggest deal is the
Frost Bolt. If you have 2-3 healers assist off rage you can see who's being targeted and get heals off quickly. It hits for around 6k dmg and does 2500 every second for 4seconds. So if they don't iceblock/cloak of skill/bubble/trinket. They are going to need some heals. This + death and decay can be rather deadly. It helps to have your healers spread out through out your dps that way someone is always in range of getting heals. If you are Range dps and standing out in the middle of bumfuck. You're retarded. Don't expect a healer to chase you down, just because you felt like being special and standing somewhere no one else was.
To sum it up. Stay out of the death and decay and try to heal the frostbolted mofo and gg phat loots.
Group Make up:
2 Prot Warriors - We bring 3.5 tanks. One with fury gear.
1 Pally Tank - Trash whore.
1-2 Rogues
1 Feral Druid - Great for offtank for trash good for kitty dps, great raid buff.
5-6 Mages
2-3 Locks - Lifetap mmk?
1-3 Hunters - helpful for misdirect, so tank can be in position for kiting through adds.
1-2 Holy Priests
3-4 Resto Shamans
1-2 Resto Druid - Why not.
1 Oomkin Druid - Ok.
1 Elemental Shaman - Ok.