Living Legend |
Joined: Jun 13, '08 12:38 pm Posts: 261 Location: Virginia
Couple things I noticed tank wise.
Little oozes get absorbed by big oozes, So if one is going to spawn on you... you should run to the front of the path of the tank with the big ooze. Also once the big ooze gets to big it carpet bombs the raid. So right before this happens probably a good idea to group up then run away. Not to hard. Just to recap this happens when the big ooze gets a stack of 5. It will explode which is cast. When this happens the Tank on Rotface will move the boss everyone will follow him. We used the black triangles in the 4 corners. As soon as the bomb was over we moved him back to the center.
The big add/little adds also seems to do a acid spit but only in the direction it is pointed so if you point it away from the raid at all times you should never have a mini ooze pool in the raid.
As far as the big section of ooze you can read that because the wall will start oozing down you have about 8-10 seconds to move before it takes over that whole area. Also not hard to see.
Another thing we used in this fight was a tank position swap. Rotface does a breath like the adds in ssc where he selects a target and spits at them. Deal is everyone is stacked up on the bosses ass. When this happens you just run where the tank was and the tank runs to where you were.
A note with the big/little adds. Do not dispell the debuffs on them. If you have ever played tetris it works just like that. Where if you dispell it and the adds go into big add the adds just keep coming faster and faster. Let it go at its natural pace and its not complicated until the very end.