ArchimondeLet me start this off by saying... This FIGHT is VERY VERY VERY unforgiving to retardation. If you lag.. have a shitty pc... or are just plain slow. This fight is not for you.
Starting off this fight everyone needs to get their "
Tears of the Goddess" and bind them to a key that is easily acceptable and that works. Binding it to a broken key on your keyboard does not work. JUST FYI!
The boss has a handful of abilities, All pretty dangerous if done on 1 player at the same time.
The first being
AIR BURST, this ability will throw you up into the air, along with people within 10 yards around you. It will also do around 3k dmg to all of you. If you do get thrown, on your downfall use your tears on your way down. You want to use them before you land so you do not crater to your death and cause a wipe. The saying "better late than never" is bad here, If you use them two late you risk the chance of you lagging and dying. SO use the tears early and take a little fall damage if you need, to stay alive.
The second is
Grip of Legion, this is a curse that needs to be dispelled ASAP. AND I MEAN AS SOON AS FREAKIN POSSIBLE. This does 2500 dmg every 2 seconds for 5mins. And is very deadly in combination with airburst and flame debuff. SO mages and druids need to stop what they are doing and decurse this as fast as possible. Thanks in advance.
The last two are
Fear and
Doomfire, a deadly combination by together. But! an easy thing to prepare for, aswell as being two easy things to avoid. The fires randomly spawn around the boss. If one is coming in your general direction you FLEE! and run directly backwards. The boss fears so be aware of where you are standing. Because he will fear and most likely you will find yourself running towards a fire. So if you do have a pvp trinket/or a shamans totem in range, consider yourself lucky. For the rest of you. You need to be atleast 20 yards away from a fire. So when you eat the fear, you will not run into a fire until after the fear duration is over.

(stole this one - didn't feel like mspainting it - thanks jyr)
I know, it sounds easy. Trust me it is. But, believe it or not. Shit happens and people make mistakes. So, don't let it be you. Be a boyscout and be prepared.
The rest of the fight is dpsing when you can and taking your time and doing it right. Think of Archimonde as a hot prom date dream girl or boy. Take your time, be patient and do it right. Because you only have 1 shot. There is no room for flaws.
At 10% everyone gets a pally buff and its GG phat loots. So after 7-8 mins. Welcome to the end of Hyjal.
Group Make up:
1 Prot Warriors - Only one for this.
1 Fury Warrior - or something like it.
1-2 Pally Healer - Salv? k thanks.
1-2 Rogues
1 Feral Druid - Great for raid buff.
5-6 Mages - DECURSES MMM.
2-3 Locks - Lifetap mmk?
1-3 Hunters - Great for misdirects on boss.
1-2 Holy Priests
3-4 Resto Shamans
1-2 Resto Druid - DECURSES - Why not.
1 Oomkin Druid - Ok.
1 Elemental/Enhance Shaman - Ok.