First off, Welcome all of you. <3
Secondly, I’d like to just go over what we are trying to gain from this massive merger between TUGH <Team Ultimo Gorram Horde> and Nubstars.
The main thing would be better attendance. Both guilds over the past year+ have at times struggled for weeks to fill raids. It is a constant on and off cycle. I have explained it to people in Nubstars as a ”stars aligning” complex. Plain and simple it gets really frustrating for everyone. As both of our guilds come from a family/friend background we hate replacing the friends and family that we have grown along with in our time shared in this game.
Some of you guys may feel a little left in the dust with this decision and what is actually going on. So, read on and if you still don't feel brought up to speed, feel free to ask questions. I will do my best to answer them or find an answer for it.
Things really shouldn’t be changing that much in the coming weeks. Basically we will be running two groups. We haven’t officially set dates for this but we still have a couple days to do so and when we have I will post something about it. But both groups will be staying together for the time being. As this is a merger of the two we are looking to benefit both groups in the guild not just one.
Ideally what is going to happen is both raids stay with the same people. This is to first off get a number of people that will actually be in those raids. What will be happening for each raid is that there will be a fill gap.
IE. If group two is short, some raiders/alts will fill in for the gap in that group. If group one is short some alts/raiders from group two will fill in. There is a huge benefit from running two groups and having people to fill those spots. And I am sure we can all benefit from the amount of information that will circulate and the opportunity we are giving one another.
What we don’t want to happen is for us to become immune to getting better. We hope out of all of this everyone shares the same willingness to grow as players. Learning and progressing with our characters as well as in content. As we continue to come together things may change but for the time being we are going to just work on making both groups as strong as we can. Carry as little as possible and get everyone on the same page.
The reason we are not just reforming both raids like most people have feared is let’s face it some of us don’t know each other and it could possibly feel a bit awkward at the beginning. But as they say “patience is a virtue” and all mergers especially ones of this type require everyone to be patient. We also would hope that everyone keeps an open mind and holds the ability to be a little selfless to make things work out. A lot of us will be working to make both raids work for everyone so please deal with us as we get the “Train” greased up and functioning properly again. As it is, you should only see a couple minor changes one being a single Tuesday raid switching to another day.
So now that we are hopefully all on the same page. Here are some things that might be a little different.
Loot System - Loot Council (LC)
We use a Loot Council system instead of EPGP. Basically you will be voting on 3-4 people from the second group to go into this channel and be apart of the LC.
Our current summary of rules are here:
We will be adapting the system to the new people and continue to make it better for everyone as we go on. Basically what we are looking for in LC members are people who are not bias and pretty selfless as individuals. So think about that when you vote. The reason we are bringing in more people is for your benefit so we can actually acknowledge things that we wouldn’t already have knowledge of and have a few more points of view.
I know some people have trouble with how fast the other current officers and I do loot. So we have already taken that into account and there will be a 20 second timer for loot linked. So instead of my 3 second 5,4,3,2,1,final. You will have around 20ish seconds in between that to cast your ./random 1. This will not apply in pugs though. But in guild current progress raids for the time being it will.
Instructions for an Easy Loot Tab: <incoming soon>
As time goes on we hope to be able to decrease this timer but we will try and be more accommodating until everyone adjusts and gets use to it.
But there really isn’t much to the loot system and as time goes on we will adjust it as need be if there are issues.
Guild Bank
Basically the way our gbank works is you get what you put in. If you want stuff out of it you should think about putting stuff in. We aren’t asking for you to do anything specific or give us everything you have. But if you are looking for mats or god knows what you shouldn’t ask blindly. If you don’t contribute don’t expect anyone to carry your load. You get what you put into the guild.
If you need anything ask an officer. Pots/Flasks and everything can be made by many people in guild so feel free to get ahold of them. Most won’t mind doing it ahead of time for you.
Guild Rankings
For us they have never really mattered much. If they need to matter in the future then we will look into making them matter more. With the expansion of guild tabs we most likely will open up more for everyone else to put in/take out more commonly used stuff. But at the moment most stuff will be controlled by the officers or me.
That is what I have as of now so feel free to ask questions if you have any. I hope this answers majority of the questions you have had. If you are already in Nubstars you will find you don't need to worry at all things won't be changing I am still in love with you. Well except for maybe Alexa because hes a ret pally. As for you new people, I hope our new flame burns eternally forever and that we can all work towards making what is left of Wrath and forward with Cataclysm successful together.